Our patent-pending technologies are unique, practical, and powerful.

  • Accurately image fractures and flow zones
  • Image and distinguish stimulated zones from under- and un-stimulated zones
  • Image where the fracturing fluid goes and where the reservoir fluids come from
  • Provide accurate flow and fracture parameters to be input into reservoir simulation
  • Image communication between wells
  • Interpret accurate flow and fracture parameters to be input into reservoir simulation
  • Efficiently use DAS in microseismic imaging
  • Monitor in real-time the fracturing process
EarthScoop + OrthoEarth

Imagine watching a football game from the edge of a stadium. The distance from the action would make it difficult to make out any players and follow the action. What if you got a free pass to watch the game from the sideline?

EarthScoop + OrthoEarth is that ticket you are looking for. This powerful suite of solutions re-datums the surface-seismic data to a datum close to the reservoir which is then imaged for resolving thin layers and inverted for high-resolution rock, fracture, and stress attributes.